Tuesday, June 29, 2010

OOTD- Flowers and lunch!

Sorry it's taken me so long to post today!  I had a doctor's appointment this morning.  I suffer from panic attacks/anxiety disorder and this past weekend was a little stressful and they came back.  It's been a rough weekend/week so far, and has been filled with lots of emotions, self doubts, and yet during all of this I have found so much solace in what I know... We are never alone, we are deeply loved and trials (no matter how difficult) can be for our own growth and learning!  On the bright side I now weigh in the 120's again, not that I would recommend going through all of that for weight loss!  Here is my OOTD, I will post what I wear tonight to the movie premier of Eclipse tomorrow!  Have a wonderful day!
Cardigan Anthro: Ambrosial Cardigan
Tank Anthro: Buds and Bunches
Jeans (WENT ON SALE TODAY!!!): Joe's Raw Hem Kicker
I highly recommend them!
Shoes B. Makowsky: on sale here
Necklace Anthro: similar here and here

I am totally getting a mani/pedi today so say goodbye to those hideous toe nails!


  1. I suffer from anxiety/panic attacks, too. I haven't had an episode in a while (I guess I'm living a pretty stress free lifestyle, which is nice), but when I was in college they were crippling sometimes...and then my senior year it also turned in to test taking anxiety, which is not a good thing to have your senior year of college!

    I hope your pretty outfit helps relax you!

  2. Aw I get anxiety attacks too. They went away for a while and meds helped too, but now I'm off the meds so they occasionally come back. I definitely feel your pain!

    On a happier note, I love the Ambrosial Cardigan on you. I am so going to wear mine with my Buds & Bunches Tee (I have the beige though). Cute outfit and enjoy the movie!

  3. Oh Tricia - I am so sorry. I will keep you in prayer. Take care! I am in my 120's again too and so happy but I can't seem to loose those last pounds (not that I've been trying to hard either!) I did buy a kettlebell today to try out! haha........ Love your cardi - my friend's mom was wearing this at her bday this weekend! It looks awesome with the Buds & Bunches! I put the Field Game Cardi on hold b/c of you!!

  4. Please take of yourself! I get minor panic attacks and I know how bad even those can be.

    You look great in that color of the tank!

  5. I love the cardigan :) It reminds me of my grandma's gardens.

    I have anxiety issues, too. I've never been to a doctor for it specifically but it caused my tachycardia (as far as they could figure out) and once in awhile I will just start hyperventillating when I get upset. It sucks. Hope things get better.

  6. VERY cute- I love the shoes in particular!

  7. LOVE that cardigan with that top - so pretty! I also adore your necklace (which you already know & thank you SO much!!!). My boyfriend suffers from anxiety and panic attacks, so while I can't personally relate, I know what you're going through, and I'm glad you're feeling better!

  8. Wow, I love that outfit, I never spend money on clothes, honestly I think the last time I bought clothes was 2 years ago after I had Lilly, but spending the weekend with you has totally inspired me, I keep thinking about how I can cut back in other areas to get some cute new things for my wardrobe. Maybe this will be my first buy!

  9. You look so pretty in that cardi! And sorry about your rough weekend. Call my anytime (even if it's in the middle of the night)! I hope you have a fun time tonight! Wish I could go with everyone.

  10. You are all Anthroed out- so cute and you look lovely! Keep taking care of yourself and like you said, just know that everything will be okay, a little at a time. You're the cutest lady for having that countdown to Eclipse clock on the blog- I chuckle every time I visit you!

  11. You look so adorable! I am sorry things have been less than peaceful in your life lately and I hope you find calm despite it all! Hang in there!

  12. I hope that you are feeling better. I hate anxiety.

    You look absolutely beautiful! Have fun tonight!

  13. Well, we are a panic stricken bunch here! Add me to the list of sufferers - it's awful to be overcome with such strong feelings and not be able to get on top of them. I'm sorry you had a tough weekend, and I hope the dr. was able to help after your appointment this morning. You look beautiful in these colors, and I hope the pretty outfit was a bright spot, today! Have fun at the movies, pretty girl!

  14. I have had a few panic attacks and they are crazy. Glad you have your faith. Thanks for stopping by today. Love the outfit as usual.

  15. i hope you are feeling better!! you are looking beautiful!!! i LOVE the colors you are wearing!!! xoxo

  16. I hope you get better soon... I understand how difficult anxiety is, I have it in a milder form...

    BTW, where did that color of the buds&bunches tee come from? I've never seen it in this color! Only orange, cream, and blue!

  17. Hi Tricia,

    I was diagnosed with panic disorder 5 years ago, and even though I am at a high point now and am learning how to deal with my mind and body, it is something that never goes away. I understand the absolute exhaustion and pain that panic attacks cause and what is so crippling about them is that the panic is completely internalized and there's no way of escaping from inside your head. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has been a huge help to me because it has allowed me to learn techniques on how to take control of my body. After living in that horrible debilitating fog for so long, it's so nice to finally be able to feel good and not be overcome with fear. Of course, medication has been amazing too, however I believe that medication is more of a band aid because sometimes panic is the body's way of releasing internal stresses of issues that may not have been dealt with.

    Anyways, just thought I'd share that you're not alone and that things can get better. I love your outfit...although I love all your outfits!

  18. k tricia, panic attacks? are u prego? i had to ask!! love u


  19. I keep seeing everyone looking so cute in those Joes. I'm starting to get weak. Love the outfit you look great! I'm so sorry about your anxiety/panic attacks. I suffer from minor ones as well. I haven't had any for a while thank goodness, they are not fun.

  20. I think you just convinced me single-handedly that I need that Ambosial Cardi!
    I have my own anxiety issues, so my heart goes out to you. For me it is like the whole world becomes covered by a cloud. I do hope you feel better and manage to deal with whatever issue might be causing your attacks to return again!

  21. Hey Tricia,
    You are so cute.
    I had major anxiety issues when we lived in Logan 8 years ago. I learned how to deal with them by reading a book called 'Don't Panic" by R. Reid Wilson. It is amazing. I really didn't want to go on meds to treat them. It really helps to know that in the middle of a panic attack that you are normal and it is a normal response that your body is going through. Once I found out that I wasn't crazy, I was more able to deal with things. I still have to dismiss feelings that come up every now and then. Driving and standing in line gives me anxiety some times. When you start feeling a little panic, just think....confidence, confidence, confidence!!! And read Ether 12:27. It is my favorite scripture and helps me through trials.
