Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hair scare!

This morning while I was tweezing out 20 or so WHITE HAIRS out of my scalp I asked my hair "hair you know I am only 32 right?  I am not ready to be considered a blue hair yet!" My hair lovingly replied "Honey, you have had grey hair since you were 24 get over it already!"  Now I ask myself, do many women my age have patches and patches of white hair?  If you ask a Mickelsen, then yes.  We all grey early (my Dad went grey in his mid 20's) I have been dying my hair for years trying to mask the apparent signs of aging.  But what used to be a few hairs here and there is now... well depressing!  I think I will blame it on the kids as my Dad did!

This was the best recent shot of my hair taken about 2 weeks ago.  If you click on it and blow it up you can see in the light some little white guys lurking around!

ps- It's taking everything in me not to go to Target right now and pick up a few cute floral tank tops, sundresses (for the girls), plates, wallets, and even a BIKE! All from the Liberty of London line they are carrying. That blasted shopping ban I put myself on!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Tricia, I am new to your blog, I just added you a few days ago. I usually like to follow my fashionista peers from the beggining so I read from the first post.

    Well first I wanted to say hello. Secondly that you have great taste (and possibly a good budget to be able to afford all those designer items in your wish lists). And thirdly you are beautiful grey hairs or not. I am a few years younger than you and have a ton of gray hair, as a matter of fact I've had some since I was 17. It's all genetics I guess. Oh well.

    Looking forward to reading more about your favorite products and see your adorable outfits.
